Palatine Council No.89
Thursday 21st. December, four days to Christmas, not perhaps the best time for attending a lodge meeting However some thirty-two Allied Masons made their way to
'Wyrebank’ Masonic Hall Garstang for the regular meeting of Palatine Council. In attendance was the District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape, he was supported by the Past District Grand Prefect Right Worshipful Brother William Richard Seddon and Right Worshipful Brother Colin Williams Past Grand Senior Warden along with four Very Worshipful Brethren and Four Grand Officers.
V.W.Bro. P.J.Watson  W.Bro G.Catterall
The council was opened at 6.30PM by Brother Roy Ernest Rhodes Worshipful Master, his first meeting after his Installation in October. Salutations were given to The Right Worshipful District Grand Prefect who suitably responded. The other Right Worshipful and Very Worshipful Brethren, Grand Officers and District Grand Officers were then saluted and responses given.
After the domestic business of the council was completed a ballot took place for Brother Robert Tinsley a Lancaster and District Mason for membership of Palatine Council; the ballot proved favourable for the Candidate. The Worshipful Master invited Worshipful Brother Howard Nicholas Emmett District Grand Junior Warden to occupy the Masters Chair. On an alarm Brother Tinsley entered the council and was Introduced, Received Admitted a Brother of St. Lawrence by W.Bro. Emmett in an excellent ceremony, the jewel of this degree was invested by the council Senior Warden Brother Brian Fox. The lecture was delivered by Worshipful Brother Geoff Catterall Past Grand Junior Deacon / District Grand Secretary in his usual faultless manner.
D.G.P. /Bro. R Tinsley /W.M. Bro. R.E.Rhodes
Worshipful Brother Emmett vacated the Masters Chair in favour of Worshipful Brother Raymond Keith Lamb Past District Grand Junior Warden / Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremony. The degree of St. Lawrence was adjourned, and the degree of Knights of Constantinople opened. Brother Tinsley was Admitted into the degree in a delightful ceremony by W.Bro. Lamb, the jewel in this degree was invested by Bro. Fox. and the lecture in this degree was delivered by Very Worshipful Brother Peter James Watson Past Grand Registrar.
The Worshipful Master re-occupied the Masters chair and thanked all the brethren that took part in both ceremonies and complimented them on their work. The District Grand Prefect welcomed Bro. Tinsley into the Order and particularly Palatine Council. In response to the risings the District Grand Prefect extended greetings from the Grand and District Grand Officers. The Worshipful Master closed the council and the District Grand Director of Ceremony Worshipful Brother Raymond Pye Grand Steward formed a procession and the Worshipful Master and District Grand Prefect along with the Grand and District Grand Officers retired from the council.
D.G.P. /W.Bro. H.N. Emmett /Can /W.Bro R.K.Lamb /W.M.
After a quick photo shoot the Brethren repaired to the bar for a pre-dinner refreshing drink. The Director of Ceremony called the brethren to the dining room for a sumptuous three course dinner. In response to the toast to his health the District Grand Prefect gave a report on the latest news of our Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson after his recent accident. The Worshipful Master in his response the toast to his health reiterated his thanks to everybody who took parts in the ceremonies. The Deputy District Grand Prefect Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond having returned from taking The Grand Master to hospital earlier in the day arrived in time for dinner and to propose a toast to tonight's candidate Bro. Tinsley, saying what an asset he will be to Allied Masonry and Palatine Council in particular. Brother Tinsley is well known in Lancaster and District for his ritual work. Bro Tinsley modestly responded.
The Labour and refreshments being over we made our way back to our homes another super night of Allied Masonry enjoyed by all.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan